Autobiographical Memories & NeuroImaging

Can we capture self-related, inner thoughts? At first, mind-wandering was defined  as a spontaneous mentation independent of any external input. Sometimes the mind moves spontaneously from one thought to another, however at other times it keeps coming back to the same thought, drawn by a particular memory or an emotional experience.

The spatiotemporal analyses of fMRI and EEG are sensitive and powerful tools to characterize brain networks involved in autobiographical memory and other cognitive processes. 

  • self-consciousness
  • altered states of consciousness
  • episodic memories
  • sleep and dreams
  • electroencephalography (EEG)
  • functional magnetic resonance (fMRI)



  • Bréchet, L., Michel, C.M. (2022). EEG microstates in altered states in consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:856697. 
  • Artoni, F., Maillard, J., Britz, J., Lysakowski, C., Bréchet, L., Tramer, M., Michel, C. M. (2022). EEG microstate dynamics indicate a U-shape path to propofol-induced loss of consciousness. NeuroImage, 1, 256:119156.
  • Roehri, N., Bréchet, L., Seeber, M., Pascual-Leone, A., Michel. C.M. (2022). Phase-amplitude coupling and phase synchronization between medial temporal, frontal and posterior brain regions support episodic autobiographical memory. Brain Topography, 35, 2, 191-206. 
  • Bréchet, L., Ziegler, D., Simon, A.J., Brunet, D., Gazzaley, A., Michel., C.M. (2021). Reconfiguration of EEG microstates after breath-focused digital meditation training. Brain Connectivity.
  • D’croz-Baron, D., Bréchet, L. , Maker, M., Karp, T. (2020). Auditory and visual tasks influence the temporal dynamics EEG microstates during post-encoding rest. Brain Topography, 34(1):19-28. 
  • Bréchet, L., Brunet, D., Birot, G., Gruetter, R., Michel, C.M., Jorge, J. (2019). Capturing the spatiotemporal dynamics of task-initiated thoughts with combined EEG and fMRI. NeuroImage, 194: 82-92. 
  • Jorge, J., Bouloc, C. Bréchet, L., Michel, C.M., Gruetter, R. (2018). Investigating the variability of cardiac pulse artifacts across heartbeats in     simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings: a 7T study. NeuroImage, 191, 21-35.